
When bruce Banner saves Rick Jones’s life during the testing of a gamma bomb, he was bombarded by Gamma rays. The radiation transformed him into a green-skinned monster whom the soldiers named the Hulk. The Incredible Hulk grows stronger as he gets madder. He was a founding member of the Avengers, but he left when he fell out with his teammates.

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  • Real Name: Bruce Banner
  • Occupation: Scientist, Wanderer
  • Base: Mobile
  • Height: 7 ft (2.13 m), but is variable
  • Weight: 1,150 lbs (521.75 kg), but is variable
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Dark Green
  • Powers: The Hulk possesses almost limitless strength. He can leap several miles in a single bound and his body heals almost instantly.
  • Allies: Rick jones, Amadeus Cho, the Thing, Betty Ross
  • Foes: Leader, Abomination

When the world over which he ruled was destroyed, the Hulk returned to earth. He wanted to punish those who he thought were responsible, including his old ally Doctor Strange. The Hulk hates his alter ego the mild-mannered scientist Bruce Banner.


  • Energy Projection: 1
  • Strength: 7
  • Durability: 7
  • Fighting Skill: 4
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Speed: 3


Bullseye is one of the deadliest assassins in the world, and specializes in throwing objects. He is Daredevil’s archenemy, and his victims include two people close to Daredevil – Elektra and Karen Page. Bullseye was paralyzed during a fight with Daredevil but his body was repaired by Japanese scientist Lord Dark Wind, who laced his bones with Adamantium. Bullseye joined Norman Osborn’s Thunderbolts group and later his Avengers team.

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  • Real Name: Lester (last name unknown)
  • Occupation: Assassin
  • Base: Mobile
  • Height: 6 ft (1.82 m)
  • Weight: 200 lbs (90.75 kg)
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blond
  • Powers: Bullseye’s ability to hit the target is almost super human. He is an expert martial artist and a highly trained weapons expert. The Adamantium laced to his skeleton not only protects him from harm, but helps him perform acrobatic feats.
  • Allies: Kingpin, Norman Osborn
  • Foes: Daredevil, Elektra, Punisher

Bullseye once disguised himself as Hawkeye when he was in Norman Osborn’s Avengers team. Osborn also used him as his personal assassin, ordering him to kill the Sentry’s wife, Lindy Reynolds. Bullseye killed Elektra using her own sai and a playing card. He claims that in his hands, anything can become a deadly weapon.


  • Energy Projection: 1
  • Strength: 2
  • Durability: 3
  • Fighting Skill: 5
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Speed: 2

The Twelfth Doctor – Baby-Faced Brainiac

Although since the fifty anniversary special this doctor has been moved up to the Thirteenth space.

The most youthful-looking Doctor of all, the Twelfth Doctor has one of the most alien and eccentric personas yet. Like an excitable kid at times, he doesn’t always appear to take dangerous situations seriously, but when confronting his enemies, he is capable of showing a colder, and even ruthless, side to his nature. This incarnation of the Doctor faces greater challenges than ever before. His biggest enemy is The Silence, a religious order that is desperate to prevent the revelation of the Doctor’s real name – something known by very few people one of whom is River Song.


Big Bang 2.

When the universe all but collapses, the Twelfth Doctor achieves the impossible – he flies the Pandorica prison box at his exploding TARDIS, miraculously managing to reboot the universe.

Doctor Solo.

Following the loss of Amy and Rory, the Twelfth Doctor continues adventuring with new companion Clara, knowing how dangerous  it is for him to travel alone.



Interests: Playing football

Reason for regeneration: Old age.

The Tenth/Eleventh Doctor – Laid Back Loner

Although since the fifty anniversary special this doctor has been moved up to the eleventh/twelfth space.

This version of the Doctor is empathetic, confident and quirky, with a real zest for adventure. More talkative and laid back than his predecessor, he revels in his voyages through space and time. Towards the end of his life, though, he grows sad at the loss of so many friends, and decides to travel alone once more. With his loyal companions, the Tenth Doctor battles an array of adversaries, from Cat Nuns and Carrionites to the Sycorax and Sontarans. He even manages to stop the Time Lord Rassilon’s attempt to bring about the end of time itself after he was previously assumed killed in the Time War.

Old Timer.

As a warning to martha and humanity, the Master uses his laser screwdriver to age the Doctor’s body to his real age of over 900!

Farewell Rose.

One of the Tenth Doctor’s toughest moment is saying goodbye to Rose at Bad Wolf Bay. She becomes trapped in a parallel universe and he believes he has lost her forever.


Special abilities: Can analyse substances by tasting them.

Reason for regeneration: Radiation poisoning.

The Ninth Doctor – War-Weary Wanderer

Although since the fifty anniversary special the Ninth Doctor has been revealed to be John Hurt and this Doctor has been moved up to the Tenth space.

The Ninth Doctor is left emotionally scarred in the aftermath of the Time War, a catastrophic event in which the Time Lords are destroyed. As the last of his kind, this Doctor needs a human companion more than ever before, and is relieved to meet Rose Tyler, a feisty shop-girl from London. This Doctor deals ruthlessly with his enemies if they choose not to heed his warnings. He refuses to save the villainous Cassandra, launches a missile attack against the Slitheen and even orders the last Dalek in the universe to destroy itself.

Acquiring assistance.

The Doctor acquires a new companion when he travels back to world war II. Captain Jack Harkness is a con man from the 51st century dressed as an air force pilot.

Saving Rose.

When Rose absorbs the whole of the Time Vortex, the Ninth Doctor bravely draws it into his own body to save her life, knowing full well it would trigger a regeneration.


Special abilities: Incredible timing – He once managed to step through the blades of a massive spinning fan.

Reason for regeneration: Cellular degeneration after absorbing the Time Vortex.

The Eighth Doctor – Paradoxical Psychic

A more human version of the Doctor, this eighth incarnation has a childlike playfulness coupled with an infectious zest for life and adventure. Warm, witty and charming, he also has the uncanny knack of being able to predict events in people’s personal futures – a talent none of his other selves has possesed. Following his regeneration, the Eighth Doctor steal a fancy dress costume to wear, which is similar to the clothes worn by 19th century gunfighter Wild Bill Hickok.

Saving Grace.

This Doctor is assisted by Grace Holloway, a heart surgeon who had tried to operated on the Seventh Doctor.

Battling the Master.

The Eighth Doctor has to fight for his life when the Master attempts to steal his remaining regenerations. In the end, his deadly enemy is absorbed into the TARDIS’s power source.


Special abilities: Predicting the future.

Reason for regeneration: Unknown.

The Seventh Doctor – Darker Doctor

As eccentric as any of his predecessors, the Seventh Doctor is a wiry, off-the-wall character at first, given to acting the clown and spouting mangled proverbs. Over time, though, he reveals a darker side to his nature, coming across as a master chess-player, who is forever one step ahead of his enemies. The Seventh Doctor’s closest friend is a rebellious teenager called Ace. He enjoys educating her as they travel the universe fighting menaces such as Cybermen, Cheetah people, Husks ans Haemovores. However, he is not opposed to manipulating her to get his own way.

Dalek Destroyer.

After allowing Davros to steal a deadly device called the hand of Omega, the Seventh Doctor tricks him into activating it. The pre-programmed Hand the destroys Skaro, the Daleks’ homeworld.


The Seventh Doctor is pleased to be reunited with and old friend when the brigadier comes out of retirement to help UNIT deal with an alien invasion.


Interests: Playing the spoons, magic tricks, chess

Reason for regeneration: Bullet wounds and subsequent heart surgery.

The Sixth Doctor – Colourful Character

Stubborn, Self-centred, with a loud manner and an even louder dress scence, the Sixth Doctor is difficult to like a first. Happily, though, his dedication to fighting evil remains as strong as ever, and the more extreme aspects of his personality mellow as time goes by, revealing a surprisingly caring Doctor beneath the bluster. The Sixth Doctor travels with botany student peri and computer expert mel. As well as daleks and Cybermen, he fights the slug-like gastropods and the money-loving Mentors, until he meets his end at the hands of the Rani.

On trial again.

The Doctor has faced being prosecuted on more than one occasion and in several incarnations. The Sixth Doctor faces a dark version of himself in the shape of the villainous valeyard.

Doctor time two.

The Sixth Doctor has to rescue the Second Doctor, who has been kidnapped by the Sontarans and Androgums. They want to operate on him to discover the secret of time travel.


Interest: Enjoys reciting poetry.

Reason for regeneration: The Rani’s lazer attack on the TARDIS.

The Fifth Doctor – Peace-seeking Pacifist

With his love of cricket, the younger-looking Fifth Doctor possesses a manic, nervous energy, which often leads him to rush about and talk to fast, while his vulnerable nature means he occasionally doubts himself. But when faced with a dangerous enemy, he is every bit as determined and heroic as his previous selves. the Fifth Doctor becomes close to his companions, including the gentle Nyssa, stropy flight attendant Tegan and Turlough – a Black Guardian agent who is secretly out to kill him. He is deeply upset by the tragic loss of young Adric, who dies while trying to save Earth.

Five Doctor’s:

As part of a cruel game organised by the Time Lord Rassilon, all five incarnations of the doctor meet in order to save their past, present and future lives. The fifth Doctor is offered the position of President of Gallifrey for the role he plays, but prefers to return to a life of traveling.

Noble sacrifice:

The Doctor and his companion Peri Brown contract and illness called spectrox toxaemia on Androzani Minor. The Doctor gives up his share of the cure to save her life, but as a result he regenerates for the fifth time.


Interests: Playing cricket.

Reason for regeneration: Spectrox toxaemia.

The Fourth Doctor – Eager Explorer

At times madly eccentric, at other’s mysterious and moody, The Fourth Doctor was the most unpredictable. He has a wild spirit of adventure, an offbeat sense of humour and loves filling his pockets with random objets. Some of the Fourth Doctor’s closest companions are Sarah Jane Smith, the savage Leela and Time Lady Romana. He saves Gallifrey from the invading Sontarans and also goes on an epic mission to assemble the Key to Time, restoring harmony to the universe.

A Doctor’s dilemma:

This Doctor has the chance to destroy the Daleks at the point of their creation. He struggles with the Decision, questioning if he has the right to commit genocide.

Doctor assassin:

Freed from his exile on Earth, the Fourth Doctor is able to travel the universe once more. He is even summoned back to Gallifrey, where he apparently steals some ceremonial Time Lord robes and murders the Time Lord President – before it is revealed to have all been another of the Master’s evil plots.


Interests: Yo-Yo tricks.

Reason for regeneration: Falls from the top of an enormous radio telescope.